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International Science Council Global South Travel Grants

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2024 at 23:59 UTC

The International Science Council (ISC) is providing financial support for a travel grant scheme, co-ordinated by SCAR. The scheme welcomes applications to support travel grants for PhD students and Early Career Scientists (< 5 years after PhD) from the Global South to attend the next SCAR OSC from 19-23 August 2024.


  • Early-career researcher (<5 years since completion of last degree, e.g. Master’s or PhD) from the Global South (as defined by the UN Nations)

Applications must include:

  1. Your name, institutional affiliation, and email address.
  2. A half page summary of your CV.
  3. One paragraph outlining how presenting at the conference will benefit your career (max. 350 words)
  4. The name of the session at the OSC to which you have applied, and the text of the abstract you have submitted.
  5. A brief summary of your budget in US dollars.

In an effort to balance funding the greatest possible number of applicants with providing the funds required by successful applicants, we will attribute funds based on need/budgetary availability, in the range of approximately 500 – 2000 USD per grant (though this may be more or less depending on need and availability).

Applications will then be reviewed by the Leadership Steering Group of the SCAR Equality Diversity and Inclusion Action Group (EDI AG), and awards will be made conditional on abstract acceptance. The reviewing team will notify successful applicants prior to the early-bird registration deadline (31 May 2024).

To be considered for the travel grant, please send your application in one PDF file to

AntClimNow Travel Awards

Deadline for applications: 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC

The AntClimNow travel grants will be up to a maximum of $2,500 USD to help with travel and registration costs. The amount awarded to successful applicants will depend on science quality, alignment with the aims of AntClimNowtravel requirements, and the number of applicants. Grants will be for ECRs and/or participants working in countries with developing economies or economies in transition (according to the UN definition). An ECR is defined broadly as a researcher who has accumulated less than ten years of research since completing their PhD (taking into account periods of part-time research or career breaks).

To apply, please send an email to with the following information:

  • If you are an ECR, provide a brief description of your status.
  • Please briefly explain how your research relates to AntClimNow and how you will benefit from attending the SCAR OSC 2024.
  • Estimated required travel and registration support.
  • A note of other sources of funding (either applied for or secured) supporting your travel to the SCAR OSC 2024.
  • Your submitted abstract as evidence that you will present on topics relevant to AntClimNow, for example relating to Antarctic climate variability on the timescale of years to decades. Have a look at our web page for further information on the aims of AntClimNow:

Applications will be accepted up to the next day after the SCAR OSC 2024 abstract deadline (i.e. SCAR deadline is 18 March, travel grant application deadline is 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC). If the SCAR abstract deadline is extended, then we will match this extension accordingly. Applications will then be reviewed by the AntClimNow Steering Committee, and awards will be made conditional on abstract acceptance. The AntClimNow Steering Committee will notify successful applications within one week (i.e. by 12 March 2024).

US-SCAR NSF Travel Award Opportunity

Deadline for applications: 1 April 2024
Application form

Applications for partial travel support (e.g., airfare, ground transportation, accommodation, and/or meeting registration) will be accepted from students, post-doctoral researchers and other scientists at US institutions (funding cannot be provided to anyone at a non-US institution). Preference will be given to early career investigators (students and those within 5 years of completing a PhD). Individuals from underrepresented groups in the sciences (e.g., women, persons with disabilities, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives) are encouraged to apply. Maximum support will be $2500 USD. Funding is provided by the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs grant #2013971 awarded to the University of San Francisco for support of US-SCAR.


  • You must be enrolled as a student or employed at a US institution.
  • You must present a talk or poster as the lead author at the SCAR OSC or a related side meeting.
  • Funds from this grant may not be used to provide travel or related expenses to an individual whose comparable expenses are being defrayed by an employer or by some third party, including through another Federal grant.

Deadline for Applications: 1 April 2024

See the travel award application for more information.

Questions: Contact Deneb Karentz

AGATA Mentoring Programme

Deadline for applications: 24 March 2024

The SCAR Programme Planning Group AGATA is happy to announce the AGATA mentoring programme for Early Career Scientists and graduate students (PhD level). The AGATA mentoring programme aims to bring students and ECS together, provide them with guidance, and support their travel to the SCAR Open Science  Conference. Successful applicants will actively participate in all AGATA activities at the SCAR OSC including the AGATA business meeting, and also participate in the online workshops with a dedicated programme before the SCAR OSC. The goal is not only to create a network of young researchers, but also to write and submit collaborative scientific papers led by ECRs.

The candidates to the AGATA mentoring programme should be in the early stage of their career, either PhD students or up to 5 years after the PhD defence by the time of application deadline. Parental leaves, sick leaves etc. will be accounted for.

The AGATA mentoring programme can offer scholarships of up to 1000 EURO for covering justified travel expenses to the SCAR OSC.

Applicants must submit an abstract to SCAR OSC session: “From atmosphere to geospace: collaborative efforts in the polar regions”.

Applications must include:

  • CV (max 4 pages)
  • Motivation letter (max 1 page)
  • Plan for the candidate’s research under the umbrella of AGATA (max 1 page)
  • Copy of abstract submitted to SCAR OSC
  • Cost estimate of their travel to SCAR OSC and request for funding.

Applications have to be send by email by the deadline of 24 March to the AGATA PSG leadership:

Lucilla Alfonsi:,
Wojciech Miloch:,
Nicolas Bergeot:,

with the email subject: “AGATA Mentoring Programme”

RINGS Travel Awards

Deadline for Applications: 18 March 2024

The RINGS Travel Grants are now open for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) aiming to present their own research on coastal regions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet within the geo and physical science disciplines. These grants are designed to support ECRs who demonstrate excellence in their work and its relevance to the broader objectives of RINGS. While applicants are not required to be RINGS Action Group members at the time of application, we anticipate their involvement in the group and contributions to RINGS initiatives.

Individual award amounts will be determined based on various factors, including the availability of funding from other sources to the applicants, and the overall demand we receive, while considering our budget constraints. Priority will be given to ECR applicants from countries with developing economies or economies in transition, as defined by the United Nations. For the purpose of these awards, an ECR is broadly defined as an individual who has accrued less than about ten years of research experience since completing their PhD, accounting for periods of part-time research or career breaks, or individuals currently pursuing their MS or PhD degrees.

To apply, please visit the following web page and fill the form. If you are unable to access this page, please contact Kenny Matsuoka ( to receive the application form.

Recipients of the awards are required to participate in the RINGS Workshop scheduled for Sunday, August 18, as well as the Open Science Conference, where they will present their research findings.

All applications will undergo thorough review by the RINGS Steering Committee, with awards being conditional upon the acceptance of the abstract. Successful applicants will be notified of their award status by the end of March.

We encourage eligible researchers to submit their applications and join us in advancing scientific exploration and understanding of the Antarctic Ice Sheet’s coastal regions.

If you have any questions, please contact the RINGS Action Group chair, Kenny Matsuoka (

Ant-ICON & EG-ABI Travel Funding

Deadline for applications: 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC

To facilitate participation in the OSC of early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs), as well as all researchers working in countries with developing economies or economies in transition (according to the UN definition, countries listed in tables B and C), Ant-ICON is offering grants to assist with travel and registration costs for those working on topics relevant to Ant-ICON’s aims. EG-ABI will also contribute travel funding, and we invite those EMCRs whose work is aligned with EG-ABI’s aims to detail this in their application.

In an effort to balance funding the greatest possible number of applicants with providing the funds required by successful applicants, we will attribute funds based on need/budgetary availability, in the range of approximately 500 – 2000 USD (though this may be more or less depending on need and availability). 

We define EMCRs broadly as students and researchers who have accumulated less than 10 years of experience since completing their last degree (e.g. Master’s or PhD) (taking into account periods of part-time research or career breaks).

To apply, please fill in this google form

If you have any questions or concerns about eligibility, do get in touch with us by contacting Jilda Caccavo (Ant-ICON Deputy Chief Officer) at

Applications will be accepted up to the next day after the OSC abstract deadline (i.e. 18 March, therefore travel grant applications deadline is 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC). If the OSC abstract deadline is extended, then we will match this extension accordingly. Applications will then be reviewed by the Ant-ICON Steering Committee, and awards will be made conditional on abstract acceptance. The Ant-ICON Steering Committee will notify successful applicants prior to the early-bird registration deadline (to be determined).

SC-HASS 2024 Lüdecke Bursary

Deadline for applications: 18 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC

SC-HASS invites applications for the 2024 Lüdecke Bursary, which covers conference registration, travel, and accommodation for one person to present at the 2024 SCAR Open Science Conference in Pucón. The Bursary honours the role of Professor Cornelia Lüdecke in building a community of humanities and social sciences scholars within SCAR and in particular her long-standing commitment to establishing a welcoming environment for ECRs.

To be considered for the Bursary, please send a Word or PDF document to with the following information:

  1. Your name, institutional affiliation, and email address.
  2. A brief CV (about half a page).
  3. One paragraph outlining how presenting at the conference will benefit both your own career and the wider SC-HASS community.
  4. The name of the session at the OSC to which you have applied, and the text of the abstract you have submitted.
  5. A brief budget in US dollars.

In order to be considered, your application must be sent by 2359 UTC on Sunday 10 March 2024. Please feel free to send any questions about the Bursary and the process to

INSTANT Travel Grants

Deadline for applications: 24 March at 22:45 UTC.

The SCAR INSTANT Scientific Research Programme welcomes applications to support 16 travel grants for PhD students and Early Career Scientists (< 7 years after PhD) to attend the next SCAR OSC from 19-23 August 2024.

Please follow this link to submit your application:

Eligibility & Guidelines

  • The application is opened to any PhD or ECRs (< 7 years after PhD)
  • Geographic criterion: opened to any country but some preferences will be given to under represented countries in INSTANT
  • To apply for the grant, it is mandatory to have submitted an abstract to the OSC
  • A recommendation letter from a supervisor is required only for PhD students.


  • The travel grants will be up to 1500 USD and cover only partial expenses (travel, accommodation and registration fee admitted)
  • The grants will be issued AFTER the conference, no grant will be anticipated. The certificate of attendance of SCAR OSC will be asked, as well as a copy of invoices of claimed expenses. Instructions will be provided to the recipients after the conference to claim reimbursement.
  • Results of selection will be communicated by late April – max mid-May

EG-GEOCON Travel Awards

Deadline for applications: 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC

The Expert Group on Geoheritage and Geoconservation (EG-GEOCON) offers travel grants up to a maximum of $1,000 USD to assist with travel and registration costs to attend the SCAR OSC 2024. The amount awarded to successful applicants will be determined by the quality of the science, alignment with the aims of EG-GEOCON, and the number of applicants. Preference will be given to early career researchers (ECRs) and those who are members of GEOCON.

To apply, please send an email to with the following information:

  • If you are an ECR, provide a brief description of your status.
  • Briefly explanation of how your research relates to EG-GEOCON and how you will benefit from attending the SCAR OSC 2024.
  • Estimated support needs (travel and registration).
  • A note of other sources of funding (either applied for or secured) supporting your travel to the SCAR OSC 2024.
  • Your submitted abstract as evidence that you will present on topics relevant to GEOCON.

The application deadline is 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC. Applications will then be reviewed by the EG-GEOCON leadership team, and awards will be made conditional on abstract acceptance.

Kobe PCRC Policy-Law-Science Nexus Fellowship

Deadline for Application: 1 April 2024 at 23:59 UTC

Kobe University Polar Cooperation Research Centre (Kobe PCRC) will offer a few fellowships to those participants who will actively engage in Session 46: Consensus building based on best available science under Antarctic Treaty System (ATS). To be eligible for the fellowship, the candidates must have successfully submitted an abstract to Session 46 by the deadline set by SCAR OSC secretariat. The amount of the fellowship will be between ca 150,000 to 500,000 JPY (or ca 1,000 to 3,300 USD) and will depend on the expected work of the fellow, which may include directed research on the subject matter in preparation for the conference; coordinating and organizing the session at the OSC; keeping the records of the session and writing a summary report
afterwards; and/or writing a co-authored research article to be submitted to the journal Antarctic Science under its Special Collection on Policy-Law-Science Nexus in the Antarctic. The fellowship may be offered in the form of travel bursary to attend 2024 SCAR OSC.

Please note that, in addition to the topics already mentioned in the Session description, a topic of glacial geoengineering will also be discussed in this Session.

To be considered for the fellowship, please send a WORD or PDF to with the following information within 4 pages in total (excluding the copy of the abstract(s) being attached as Annex):

  1. Your name, the current institutional affiliation and status (if you consider yourself as an early career scholar, please provide relevant information), the field(s) of study/expertise, contact addresses (both email and postal), and a brief CV (about one page);
  2. Description of your academic interest and/or research progress in the subject matter: “Consensus building based on best available science in the ATS” and/or “Policy-Law-Science Nexus in the Antarctic”, indicating specific issues or methodological approaches of your interest/research (up to three pages); and
  3. As an Annex, your abstract(s) submitted to Session 46 and, if applicable and relevant, any other Sessions of the 2024 SCAR OSC.

By 8 April, Kobe PCRC will contact those candidates who passed the first screening for possible ZOOM interviewing. A fellowship contract with a precise content of the work and the expected amount of fellowship (in the form of honorium or travel bursary) would be concluded at the latest by
mid-May. If you have any inquiries, please contact:

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Group (EDI AG) Travel Funding

Deadline for applications: 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC
Application form

In an effort to reduce participation barriers for researchers from underrepresented groups, the EDI AG are offering funding to travel to the OSC. For the purposes of this funding, underrepresented groups are defined as:

  • Early-career researchers (<5 years since completion of last degree, e.g. Master’s or PhD)
  • Researchers from countries with developing economies or economies in transition (according to the UN definition, countries listed in tables B and C)
  • Researchers belonging to underrepresented groups in any country

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be a member of a group underrepresented in the SCAR community (see examples of underrepresented groups listed above)
  • Submit an abstract to present research, in any SCAR research area, to the OSC

To apply, please fill in this google form.

Applications will be accepted up to the next day after the OSC abstract deadline (i.e. 18 March, therefore the travel grant applications deadline is 19 March 2024 at 23:59 UTC). If the OSC abstract deadline is extended, then we will match this extension accordingly.

Applications will then be reviewed by the EDI AG Leadership Steering Group, and awards will be made conditional on abstract acceptance. The EDI AG will notify successful applicants prior to the early-bird registration deadline (to be determined).

If you have any questions or concerns about eligibility, do get in touch with us at

Wider Funding Opportunities

Opportunities for Early-career Professionals

SCAR launched its 2024 Antarctic-related Fellowships for early-career researchers in March. Following the launch of the Polar Initiative in 2022 the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has funded an additional SCAR fellowship and as a result SCAR will offer in total four to five fellowships of up to USD $15,000 each for 2024. The deadline for the SCAR fellowship applications is 31 July 2024.

IAATO and COMNAP are each offering a fellowship with funding of up to USD $15,000 for 2024. Both the IAATO and COMNAP fellowships enable early-career persons to work with a project team from another country, creating new opportunities and often partnerships that last for many years and over many Antarctic field seasons. The deadline for IAATO and COMNAP fellowship applications is 31 May 2024.

CCAMLR’s Scientific Scholarship Scheme will be providing funding of up to A$30,000 to assist early-career scientists to participate in the work of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee and its working groups over a period of two years. The deadline applications is 31 August 2024.

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Collaboration and Partnerships

  • Universidad de La Frontera
  • Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Universidad de Chile
  • Universidad de Magallanes
  • Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Universidad de Concepción
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Instituto Milenio Base
  • Congreso Futuro
  • Municipalidad de Pucón
  • Municipalidad de Villarrica
  • Gobierno Regional de La Araucanía
  • Corporación Desarrollo Araucanía
  • Servicio Nacional de Turismo Región de Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena
  • Servicio Nacional de Turismo Región de La Araucanía
  • Corporación de Turismo de Pucón
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